We have been partially funded by the National Science Foundation. Users may submit samples to us in person or by post and send us the
Customer Information Form.
For our industrial users, the legal department at Texas A & M University and the Department of Chemistry have prepared a Testing Agreement that will cover all legal aspects of nondisclosure. The testing agreement should meet and/or exceed your requirements for non-disclosure, while maintaining Texas A & M Universities stature as a non-profit public institution. The services provided by the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory are quid pro quo.
Copies of the Testing Agreement/Non-Disclosure form can be downloaded for your consideration.
Download Testing Agreement
Services and Fees
Relation | Fee for Instrument Usage |
TAMU | $36/hour |
Non-TAMU | $100/hour |
Department of Accounting Services (Texas A&M)
Office of Management and Budget (Whitehouse Budget Office)
You may pay be credit card Instructions will be on the invoice
Industrial users Contact Us
For the Non-disclosure agreement please download the testing agreement
(word document) , edit, print and sign two copies of the
agreement. Please return both copies of the
Joseph Reibenspies
Department of Chemistry
3255 TAMU
580 Ross Street
Texas A & M University
College Station, Texas 77843-3255
A signed copy will be then mailed back to your organization.
Samples submitted to the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory remain under the direct control of the investigator generating the materials. All data obtained by the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory directly relevant to the samples are turned over to the investigator upon completion of work. Publication of such data is at the discretion of the investigator.
See : Sample/Data Ownership and Publication Rights
Samples submitted to the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory remain under the direct control of the investigator generating the materials. All data obtained by the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory directly relevant to the samples are turned over to the investigator upon completion of work. Publication of such data is at the discretion of the investigator. The proceeding is stated with the following understanding
Samples may be submitted in person or by mail. Single-crystal samples should be left in a small amount of their mother liquor and transferred to a sealed sample vial.
Samples may be submitted in person or by mail. Powder samples can be delivered in sealed sample vials. Normally only 100mg of the powder sample is needed for the analysis.
If you have micro-sample quantities that watch this video on how to prepare and ship your sample. MICROQUANTITY SAMPLE SHIPMENT
The legal department at Texas A & M University and the Department of Chemistry have prepared a Testing Agreement that will cover all legal aspects of nondisclosure. The testing agreement should meet and/or exceed your requirements for non-disclosure, while maintaining Texas A & M Universities stature as a non-profit public institution. The services provided by the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory are quid pro quo.
Copies of the Testing Agreement can be downloaded form your consideration:
Download Testing Agreement
Customer Information Form
For the Non-disclosure agreement please download the
testing agreement , edit, print and sign two copies of the agreement and fill out the
Customer Information Form. Please return both copies for the agreement and one copy of the form to
Joseph Reibenspies
Department of Chemistry
3255 TAMU
580 Ross Street
Texas A & M University
College Station, Texas 77843-3255
A signed copy will be then mailed back to your organization.
Samples submitted to the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory remain under the direct control of the investigator generating the materials. All data obtained by the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory directly relevant to the samples are turned over to the investigator upon completion of work. Publication of such data is at the discretion of the investigator. The proceeding is stated with the following understanding
If you use the data collected at the X-ray diffraction laboratory, please use this acknowledgment in your publications. Thank-you.
The X-ray diffractometers and crystallographic computing systems in the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory at the Department of Chemistry, Texas A & M University were purchased with funds provided by the National Science Foundation (CHE-9807975, CHE-0079822 and CHE-0215838). The Bruker Venture, Quest, Endeavour and ECO diffractometers were purchased with funds provided by Texas A and M University Vice President of Research.
Standard experimental paragraph for X-ray Powder Diffraction.
The sample was placed in the sample holder of a two circle goniometer, enclosed in a radiation safety enclosure. The X-ray source was a 2.2kW Cu X-ray tube, maintained at an operating current of 40 kV and 25 mA. The X-ray optics was the standard Bragg-Brentano para-focusing mode with the X-ray diverging from a DS slit (1mm) at the tube to strike the sample and then converging at a position sensitive X-ray Detector (Lynx-Eye, Bruker-AXS). The two-circle 250mm diameter goniometer was computer controlled with independent stepper motors and optical encoders for the theta and 2theta circles with the smallest angular step size of 0.0001 degrees 2theta. The software suit for data collection and evaluation is windows based. Data collection is automated COMMANDER program by employing a DQL file. Data is analyzed by the program EVA.
First experimental reports will be sent by e-mail. A final hardcopy report, data and your samples will be returned by normal post (upon request). Invoices for services will be sent approximately 90 days after shipment of the final report
Example of Single Crystal Report
Example of Powder Diffraction Report
Expert analysis of results available on request